On Mon, May 29, 2006 at 11:50:38PM +0100, Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro wrote:
> Seg, 2006-05-29 às 14:04 +0200, Axel Thimm escreveu:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > (is this the right place to ask about gnome-python?)
> > 
> > I'd like to use gnome.ui.App.install_menus_hints. I can see them in
> > ui.defs, but they are not available. Other methods in the vicinity of
> > the install_menus_hints definition like flash or errors are. Is my
> > gnome-python built incorrectly (Fedora Core 5)?
>   Not all methods declared in the .defs can be wrapped; some require
> manual coding (see for example the "wnck.Window.get_geometry missing?"
> thread earlier on this list).
>   I'm not taking requests[1] to wrap missing functions in gnome.ui which
> can be accomplished through gtk.UIManager instead.

OK, that gave me the right push. I looked around and found a way to do
it with gtk.UIManager. It's quite hairy though, but I guess the extra
complexity is the price of extra flexibilty.

> You should know that gnome.ui is mostly deprecated, apart from some
> very specialized functions not found elsewhere.

I'm just taking a first dive into gtk/gnome world, so I have no idea
what the current trends are. Is the statement above generally valid,
or mostly for python bindings only? E.g. is libgnomeui scheduled to be
subsumed completely in gtk one day, so we should avoid also bits that
are not yet deprecated (like GnomeApp and GnomeAppBar)?


>   Regards.
> [1] if they have a patch i may consider it, though

Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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