Hi, I have a TreeView with 4 columns, the first and second has CellRendererText and the thirth and fourth are CellRendererToggle. When the user modify the value of any cell, I want to change the row's background color. For the CellRendererText I use something like this:

myRender = gtk.CellRendererText()
myCol = gtk.TreeViewColumn('My title', myRender, text=x, background="">
this work fine and my cell is colored, but when I tried this:

myRender = gtk.CellRendererToggle ()
myCol = gtk.TreeViewColumn('My title', my Render, active=v, activatable=w, background="">
pygtk complains that CellRendererToggle don't have a background property. So my first 2 columns are colored but the last 2 don't. How can I fix this?
By the way, If I put only CellRendererText and change the background color, The entire row's color isn't change, only the cell's color are change. I mean, If I my row has 3 cell, I get 3 cell colored and this make the ilusion of a colored row, but If you pay atention, there is a white line between each cell. Is there a way to actually change's the entire row color to look like the alternate color of gtk themes? Thanks for the help.

Mauricio Tellez
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