>> That worked, sort of.  I can drag and drop the character into the
    >> label, however all it displays (in both Glade and the application) is
    >> a box with the Unicode code point for the character:
    >> 0 3
    >> 9 4

    Tony> That means the character is not present in the font being used.
    Tony> Try a different font.  Try the font you want in the Character Map.

I'm sorry to be so dense, but nothing I've tried so far seems to work.  I
set "Use Markup" to "Yes" and tried a number of different Pango markup

    <span face="Arial">End of Session ?t</span>
    <span font_family="Arial">End of Session ?t</span>
    <span font_desc="Arial">End of Session ?t</span>
    <span font_family="sans">End of Session ?t</span>

I chose "Arial" because that's what displayed in Character Map when I
right-moused over the character of interest.  None of the variants I tried
resulted in a Greek Capital Letter Delta.  I tried "sans" when none of the
"Arial" attempts worked.  The markup seems to be working.  I don't see any
<tag>s in the live display.  It's just not setting the font.  If I give an
invalid attribute name (e.g. <span font="sans">...) the invalid Pango markup
is displayed.

I saw no other way to describe font information to Glade.  I was working
from this documentation of the Pango Markup Language:


though the reference page at


seems to document the same attributes.

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