On Sat, 2006-18-11 at 10:52 +0100, Pipen wrote:
> On 11/18/06, Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > you need to check the path in the toggled callback to see if it is on
> > the toggle.
> >
> I have three cell renderers in one column, so the path I get in 
> 'button-clicked'
> callback is always the same no matter what cell I click in the column.
> Is there a way to know exactly what whas clicked in the column?
> I have to check if I'll be able to get cell renderer position boundaries and
> match it with button-press event x/y position. However it'll be a bit dirty,
> even if it works.

We use to have the toggle packed into a column like that as well.  If I
remember correctly clicking anywhere on the row would always toggle the
toggle.  The other problem we had was that it would not always render
correctly.  The line spacing was wrong with rows overlapping I think.

Then we added more columns with additional information as well as right
mouse button popup menus.  I would recommend you separate out the toggle
into its own column. It will simplify things.  Otherwise I think you
will have to get mouse pointer coordinates and compute its position on
your window... until you figure out if it was your toggle it was over.


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