On Fri, 2006-15-12 at 14:52 +0000, Peter Morgan wrote:
> Am going round the houses with this problem (and a pygtk newbie)
> I've got the function below load_data() and wish to keep the current col 
> sort (which works) and the selected row. The number of rows does not change
> When I enter the load_data function the iter is there from the first 
> line. However the last line fails with
>  GtkWarning: gtk_list_store_get_path: assertion `iter->stamp == 
> GTK_LIST_STORE (tree_model)->stamp' failed
> Can anyone shed some light on the problem please..
> tia
> Pete
>     def load_data(self):
>         model, iter = self.selection.get_selected()
>        ## This lines shows the 2 objects
>         print model, iter
>         prev_col = self.usersListStore.get_sort_column_id()
>         self.usersListStore.clear()
>         req = urllib2.Request( self.config['url'] )
>         response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
>         page_contents = response.read()
>         lines = page_contents.splitlines()
>         for line in lines:
>             self.usersListStore.append(line.split('\t'))
>         if prev_col[0] == None:
>             colo = 1
>         else:
>             colo = prev_col[0]
>         if prev_col[1] == None:
>             dir = gtk.SORT_ASCENDING
>         else:
>             dir = prev_col[1]
>         self.usersListStore.set_sort_column_id(colo,dir)
>         self.enable_radio_controls(False)
>         if iter:
>             ### ERROR GtkWarning: gtk_list_store_get_path: assertion 
> `iter->stamp == GTK_LIST_STORE (tree_model)->stamp' failed
>             self.selection.select_iter(iter)

If I'm not mistaken.  The iter becomes dead when the model is changed by
an append, etc..  I don't have time to check my facts right now.  But It
might shed light on it for you.

I know in our treeview use when we rebuild our data model we look for
the row data that was prevoiusly selected, then after the data is
reloaded we then select that row.


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