Have modded Alberto's Script - whilst learning NSIS, most of Boxing day.
Its probably best to look at the actual script itself to see what's
going on. I also can't seem to upload the .exe installer file which is
rather frunstrating. Still trying to figure out why but think its to do
with Quota on my very full server ;-(
The main thing is that the following structure is expected with most of
the material in a sources\ subir. Its ended up like that as I'm confused
as to where to source some of this stuff !
pygtk-developer.nsi - NSIS script
pygtk.bmp - The banner at the top
* Sources\
** gtk-2.10.6-win32-1.exe
** glade-3-0-2-win32-1\ (# directory)
** License.txt (# text file)
** py2exe-0.6.5.win32-py2.5.exe
** pycairo-1.2.6-1.win32-py2.5.exe
** pygobject-2.12.3-1.win32-py2.5.exe
** PyGTK-2.0-demos\ (# directory)
** pygtk-2.10.3-1.win32-py2.5.exe
** pygtk2tutorial\ (# directory)
** python-2.5.msi
Note that the sources for these files are in the nsi file as follows
!define GTK_RUNTIME_INSTALLER "gtk-2.10.6-win32-1.exe"
; http://www.python.org/download/
!define PYTHON_RUNTIME_INSTALLER "python-2.5.msi"
; http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/binaries/win32/pygtk/2.10/
!define PYGTK_MODULE_INSTALLER "pygtk-2.10.3-1.win32-py2.5.exe"
; http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/binaries/win32/pycairo/1.2/
!define PYCAIRO_MODULE_INSTALLER "pycairo-1.2.6-1.win32-py2.5.exe"
; http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/binaries/win32/pygobject/2.12/
!define PYGOBJECT_MODULE_INSTALLER "pygobject-2.12.3-1.win32-py2.5.exe"
; This arrived as a zip so its been unpacked in sources
!define GLADE3_DIR "glade-3-0-2-win32-1"
; This directory was cut and paste from the Linux Ubuntu distribution to
dir below
!define PYGTK_WIDGET_DEMO_DIR "pygtk-2.0-demos"
; http://www.pygtk.org/tutorial.html - extracted tarball
!define PYGTK_TUTORIAL_DIR "pygtk2tutorial"
Note that each "package" has its own section with a DESCRIPTION_*
constant defined. This is included near the end with
A was rather wishing/hoping that it could have been oncuded "within" a
A Licence.txt needs to created in the sources\ dir
The script is here
The bmp image is here with a Gnome image and a blue background
Other stuff
Anyway, a first attempt so I hope it of some use down the line.
Catch u this evening on #pygtk? (me take it thats irc.gnome.org/pygtk)
Alberto Ruiz wrote:
2006/12/25, Peter Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:
IN response to my own post earlier... re windows users
The issue for me was for the developers wanting to start on pygtk as a
development platform
That requires
gtk - the core gtk c+= engine
glade - libglade and the designer
and others.. ?
and packaging all the above up with NSIS
Done! I've spent the chrismas day doing it.
What I've done is a bundled installer that takes:
* Python 2.5 .msi installer
* Gtk+ 2.10 runtime from gladewin32
* PyGTK, PyCairo and PyGObject from ftp.gnome.org <http://ftp.gnome.org>
And performs silent installation where possible.
pygtk, pycairo and pygobject installers are built with distutils, and
it's impossible to perform silent installs so three fullscreen dialogs
are shown at the lastest phase of the installer.
You can gran the installer and the .nsi script from here:
If you would like to play with the script, you need to download all
the installers cited above and rename it according to the following
constants inside the script (or change the constant values):
!define GTK_RUNTIME_INSTALLER "gtk-runtime.exe"
!define PYTHON_RUNTIME_INSTALLER "python-2.5.msi"
!define PYGTK_MODULE_INSTALLER "pygtk-win32-py2.5.exe"
!define PYCAIRO_MODULE_INSTALLER " pycairo-win32-py2.5.exe"
!define PYGOBJECT_MODULE_INSTALLER "pygobject-win32-py2.5.exe"
I'd really appreciate any improvement on the nsi script.
If you dive into it, you would find a lot of TODO comments, they show
the most important problems.
Let me know what you think about it, any comments or help is welcome.
Un saludo,
Alberto Ruiz
pygtk mailing list pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/