After having solved my first problem, I now have another one:

When I retrieve a drag-drop event, I would like to know, which notebook
tab was dropped. In the C API, the example looks like this:

 static void
 on_drop_zone_drag_data_received (GtkWidget        *widget,
                                  GdkDragContext   *context,
                                  gint              x,
                                  gint              y,
                                  GtkSelectionData *selection_data,
                                  guint             info,
                                  guint             time,
                                  gpointer          user_data)
   GtkWidget *notebook;
   GtkWidget **child;

   notebook = gtk_drag_get_source_widget (context);
   child = (void*) selection_data->data;

   process_widget (*child);
   gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (notebook), *child);

However, the pygtk equivalent only accepts the arguments context, x, y,

How can I get the child widget as shown above?

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