
I'm writing a little app that uses gtk.StatusIcon, and I would like to
know if is there any way to update the tooltip text while the pointer is
hold over the icon. The behaviour I mean is something like Rhythmbox
does while playing a song.

The tooltip text gets updated when I move the mouse pointer over the
icon, but when it stills, no text updating .

The related code is quite simple:

def __init__(self):
        self.image = 'icon.png'
        self.mls = MlStats()
        self.icon = gtk.StatusIcon()
        self.icon.connect('activate', self.on_icon_activate)
        self.menu = self.create_menu()
        self.timeout = 1000
        gobject.timeout_add(self.timeout, self.update)

def update(self):
        stats = self.mls.get_stats()
        return True

Thanks in advance for any help!

-- adolfo

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