
I have one problem with PyGTK on Windows. I tried to install it (using the all-in-one installer and by separate packages) on a computer with restricted rights. Unfortunately when trying to run a Hello World example from the tutorial, I get an error (see the attached screenshot). Translated to english it says something like this: "Input point of function gdk_cairo_set_source_pixmap can't be found in dynamically linked library libgdk-win32-2.0.0.dll." Could it be I have installed an old GTK+ libraies? Unfortunately since I'm not an admin, I can't update them.

So I'm wondering if it is possible to create a portable version of PyGTK. I don't see any reason why this shouldn't be possible. I have some experiences with PHP-GTK, which I really like. I wanted to try pyGTK, because I think it is more powerful. But the big advantage of PHP-GTK is that it is one folder, which I jus unpack and everything runs fine with installing anything.

Do you have any suggestion for me? How can I run PyGTK from a restricted user account?

Thank you,



<<attachment: error.png>>

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