On Thu, 6 Dec 2007 08:18:08 -0500, "Caleb Marcus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Dec 6, 2007 3:38 AM, Ed Catmur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Thu, 2007-12-06 at 00:49 -0500, Caleb Marcus wrote:
>> > I'm planning to make my application translatable with gettext. Do I
>> > have to make the text in my gtk stock buttons and things like that use
>> > gettext, or will they automatically translate due to their use of gtk
>> > stock things?
>> Try it and see:
>> LC_ALL="es_ES.UTF-8" python -c 'import gtk; w = gtk.Window(); b =
>> gtk.Button("gtk-open"); b.set_use_stock(True); w.add(b); w.show_all();
>> gtk.main()'
>> The answer is yes; obviously if you're registering your own stock items
>> with gtk.stock_add you'll need to translate those.
> Alright, I just thought that maybe GTK included translations for stock
> items
> like gtk-add. How would I go about making the text in the buttons
> translatable? Will I have to move from stock buttons to label-based
> buttons?

Sorry, didn't word that very well.  GTK /does/ include translations for
the built-in stock items (gtk-add, etc.).

The only time you need to write your own translations is if you're
stock items yourself with gtk.stock_add() for use elsewhere in your
application - for example, if you're writing a mail client you might want
register a stock item called "myapp-reply-to-sender" that you can then use
menus and on toolbar buttons.

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