
I already sent this email once, but with attachment, so it needs approval. I think it will be better to upload my pictures at Imageshack.

I'm trying to create a program, where will be a list of video files which should look like it is shown on this drawing: http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/5631/sketchhi3.png

I'd like to ask you for help with choosing the right widget for my needs. Currently I implemented it as gtk.VBox with gtk.Frames inside. My current implementation is shown at this picture (screenshot): http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/8803/myappma1.png

The problem is, that I can't change any parameters of the gtk.Frame or the gtk.HBox inside.

I need to change at least it's colour. But it would be also nice to have the ability to change border color. I think it would be ideal if I could set my own picture as a background.

Also I'm not sure, but it seems to me, that gtk.Frame can't receive clicks. I need to receive clicks on the videos a highlight the clicked one. Is gtk.Frame the right widget for me? Or should I use something different? Is it possible to set a background picture for widgets like gtk.HBox or gtk.Eventbox?

Thank you.


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