
I've been working in a PyGTK application. This application works great in Linux but in Windows it crashes randomly. Threads are used in the application but only at the beggining to load data and no modification to the GUI is done from other than the main thread. I'm using pysqlite as database engine.

   The application crashes for example when:
   *This is executed:
            date = datetime.date (year, month, day)

year, month and day are in the specified range. The execution of the program does not goes beyond this function.

   *This is executed:
            entry.set_text (patient.firstname or '')

It seems a programming error is affecting the entire stability of the program, but don't know what it might be. I initialize the program this way:

import gobject

import gc
import pygtk
import gtk
import logging

from gui.consultoriowindow import ConsultorioWindow
from consultoriocontroller import ConsultorioController

gobject.threads_init ()
gtk.gdk.threads_init ()

gc.enable ()

           format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
logging.info ('Logging initialized')



I can't a find a way to solve this as the hangs are random and they have no sense.

Any help would be appreciate it. Thanks!

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