
I want to write a small script that shows a number of bodies moving in
a 2d coordinate systems. The positions at different times are stored
in a csv file. Since I have wanted to learn some python for quite some
time I have decided to try this in pygtk.

I have worked through the pygtk tutorial (http://www.pygtk.org/pygtk2tutorial)
and tried to fill in the gaps using the reference manual
(http://www.pygtk.org/docs/pygtk/index.html). Unfortunately the later
turned out to be of practically no use to me since I haven't really
reached the level where I have an idea what functionality I can find
where in the API and class hierarchy. Therefore I'm now asking for
help here.

I have created the window as

class Animate:
    def __init__(self):
        self.xrange = 800
        self.yrange = 800

        window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
        window.connect("destroy", lambda w: gtk.main_quit())
        self.area = gtk.DrawingArea()
        self.area.set_size_request(self.xrange, self.yrange)
        self.pangolayout = self.area.create_pango_layout("")

        self.area.connect("expose-event", self.area_expose_cb)

        gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.on_timeout)

the function area_expose_cb draws the coordinate system and the bodies
while the function on_timeout updates reads the positions of the
bodies and writes them into variables that are used by area_expose_cb.

My question is now: How can I force the window to redraw itself after
I have updated the state variables? I have tried to send an expose
event like this


but apparently this function requires a second parameter of type
GdkEvent. Unfortunately I was not able to find the "emit" function nor
any description of GdkEvent in the reference manual.

Can anyone tell me where I can find the emit function documented or
the proper way of redrawing a window?

Thanks in advance!


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | College Ring 6, 28759 Bremen, Germany
 Class of 2008 - Physics | Jacobs University Bremen

 »My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right.«

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