Hello everyone! I have written this thingy...the file is attached. It is based on Pygtk and glade. The problem which I have with the program is that when I click the OK button in the About dialog, the dialog is not closed. But, with double clicks the whole program is closed. I am sure there are some mistakes in the coding. Please see the file and fix the error which is there?? please? It is a small error but I am not seeing it?? It should close the dialog with one click...
try: import gtk,gtk.glade except: print "GTK library not found"
try: import pygtk except: print "PyGTK library not found" class Program: def __init__(self): self.gladefile = "names.glade" self.wTree = gtk.glade.XML(self.gladefile,"mainWindow") #Here I am creating a dictionary with handlers # 'gtk_main_quit' was defined on mainWindow using the glade, check it out self.dic_handlers = {'on_quit1_activate':gtk.main_quit,'on_about2_clicked':self.show_about, 'on_home_page1_clicked':self.homepage_clicked} #Here I have connected the dictionary together with the interface reference 'wTree' self.wTree.signal_autoconnect(self.dic_handlers) # this is a callback function which is called when we click on 'About Names' at toolbar or using help menu # def about_clicked(self,*args): # object = About_Dialog() # object.run() def homepage_clicked(self,*args): object = Homepage_Dialog() object.run() def show_about(self, *args, **kwds): dialog = gtk.Dialog() dialog.set_title('About Names') dialog.set_border_width(1) dialog.set_size_request(400, 290) def quit(*args, **kwds): gtk.main_quit() dialog.connect('destroy', lambda *args: quit()) dialog.connect('delete_event', lambda *args: quit()) box = dialog.vbox label = gtk.Label() label.set_text( 'Names, the 99 beautiful names\n\n' 'Pathanisation.pakhtosoft.com' ) box.pack_start(label, True, True, 0) button = gtk.Button() button.connect('clicked', quit) button_label = gtk.Label() button_label.set_markup('OK') button.add(button_label) box.pack_start(button, False, False, 0) dialog.show_all() gtk.main() # This function do the program to run def main(self): gtk.main() class About_Dialog: def __init__(self): self.gladefile = "names.glade" def run(self): self.wTree = gtk.glade.XML(self.gladefile, "about_dialog") self.dlg = self.wTree.get_widget("about_dialog") self.dlg.run() self.dlg.destroy() class Homepage_Dialog: def __init__(self): self.gladefile = "names.glade" def run(self): self.wTree = gtk.glade.XML(self.gladefile, "homepage_dialog") self.dlg = self.wTree.get_widget("homepage_dialog") self.dlg.run() self.dlg.destroy() instance = Program() instance.main()
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