I¨m using 2.10.6 on Windows. I will update to 2.12, anyway I know already know that the problem is caused by to small numbers for font size. But it's strange that setting size=14 produces similar result as font-size: 14px in HTML/CSS. This is what confused me. So the first 2 lines are on my system little bigger then normal font size.

Using values around 20000 works correctly. What unit is the font size in? Thousandths of point?


John Finlay napsal(a):
Vláďa wrote:

So I think my code is correct. The problem is, that the first value (size="14") in my example is also used for the second line, although I specified new size (size="10"). The strange thing is that if I use attributes like "large" or "small" then it works. Unfortunately my English is rather weak, so I'm not sure if I can explain it clearly. Here is a short sample code to show the problem:
If I run your example code on my system (pygtk and gtk 2.12.0) the first two lines are so small that they appear to be a dot. The third line is readable. What version of pygtk and gtk are you using?


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