
btw, thank you John Finlay for the answer on my last question.

In my quest of a GUI interfacing my small database application (I did try OpenOffice Base and went mad after one hour :S ) I would like to copy some behaviour of MS Access in my forms.

Say I have two (SQL) tables with two fields and one relation between the two:

----------------      ----------------
|    Table1    |      |    Table2    |
----------------      ----------------
| Field1 (int) |<---->| Field1 (int) |
| Field2 (str) |      | Field2 (str) |
----------------      ----------------

Now in my PyGTK form of Table1 (a TreeView), when I display the Field1 in the first column, I would like to have a ComboBox which displays the text associated to the integer value of Table2 (i.e. Table2.Field2) rather than the value directly. However, I still want it stored as an integer in Table1.Field1.

How would you do this in an elegant manner ? Do I have to create my own CellRenderer more generic than a CellRendererCombo ?

Thanks again,


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