Well, i'm answering myself, because maybe this is useful to somebody.

I've got a prepare-changelog for python using Moap [1].
Just get moap from svn [2] and apply a patch [3].
And the just run: $ moap changelog prepare

Hope this helps...

-- adolfo

[1] https://thomas.apestaart.org/moap/trac
[2] svn co http://thomas.apestaart.org/moap/svn/trunk moap
[3] http://infinicode.org/code/other/moap.diff

El dom, 01-06-2008 a las 13:09 +0200, Adolfo González Blázquez escribió:
> Hello,
> Does anybody know a prepare-changelog script (like the one on
> svn.gnome.org/svn/releng/trunk/tools/prepare-ChangeLog.pl) but for
> parsing pygtk (or plain python) files?
> It's kinda tiring to write the changelogs by hand when our C brothers
> can build their changelogs using a script, doesn't it?
> Thanks in advance!
> -- adolfo
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