Vláďa wrote:
> ... I'm absolutely new to threads, I understand what are they good for, but 
> unfortunately I have 
> almost no idea about the consequences and the problems they bring. ...
Seeing as you're "absolutely new to threads", I'll just make sure that 
you are aware of the inherent limitations of threading in Python. But 
seeing as you've read a few tutorials/articles, you probably have come 
across the plight on parallelism in Python: the GIL (Global Interpreter 
Lock). Basically what that implies is that, even though multi-threading 
is still possible, you won't gain much in the way of performance (the 
Python interpreter can still only execute one command at a time). I've 
read somewhere (can't remember where... possibly a blog) that Python 
threading is basically only useful for getting around blocking 
situations, like waiting for input.

Besides the GIL, it is very clear that Gtk+ itself was not designed to 
be used in multi-threaded applications. This has become obvious to me 
after trading in Gtk# for PyGtk and realizing that the exact same 
problems exist. That said, you might want to take a look at 
http://www.mono-project.com/Responsive_Applications. Although that 
article is written for use with Gtk#, the (supported) concepts are the 
same for PyGtk.

Personally, I have not tried to multi-thread an app with PyGtk, but I 
can assure you that it was a mess with Gtk#. :P

Good luck!


Walter Leibbrandt                  http://translate.org.za/blogs/walter
Software Developer                                  +27 12 460 1095 (w)

Recent blogs:
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* Gtk+ Tip of the Day: Modifying the subject of an event being processed
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