Mats Taraldsvik wrote:
> Dear list,
> I'm creating an application with pyGTK and Glade. In this I want to
> populate a combobox(2) depending on the selected item in another
> combobox(1).
> Usually, I add None as an item of the comboboxes in glade, because
> nothing happens when I try to add items to an empty combobox. However,
> since I have to repopulate a combobox(2), I need the proper solution,
> since I have to empty it depending on combobox(1).
> Regards,
> Mats Taraldsvik


This is untested!
A 'combobox.get_model().clear()' should clear what is all ready in the 
combobox, then a 'combobox.append_text()' should add new entries to 
the combobox.

note: this will most likely only work with a combobox created by 

Regards Neil.
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