Hello Folks!

The PyGTK tutorial example named 'basictreeview.py' works fine for me.
When I click on the 'expander' arrow for a row, it instantly expands to
show the child rows under it.

In my case, I am using a 'lazy treeview' to only populate the child rows
as I need to do so -- mostly because of time, but also because I want to
allow unlimited 'nesting'.  My problem is two-fold:

1) When I use a 'row-expanded' signal detector, I have to click two or
three times on the 'expander' arrow in order for the child rows to
actually show up.  In fact, out of desperation I have even added the
following to my routine to 'force' the issue:

                self.treeview.expand_row(path, True)

2) When I add a selection 'changed' signal, it works, but it 'gets in
the way' of my 'row-expanded' detector i.e. even if I am very careful to
click just the 'expand arrow' on a row, it triggers my 'changed'
selection routine the first time I touch a row.

I would appreciate any tips to produce the desired behavior! :)


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