Rob Brown-Bayliss wrote:
> Hi.  
> I need a way to let users pick one of approx 8000 names from a list and
> had thought to use a combobox but it is far too slow taking several
> seconds to pop up, and scrolling is unusable.
> Does any one have an idea or solution that does not take up too much
> screen space.
> here is the code I was usign to load the list:
>               custs ="SELECT CAST(Customer_Key as TEXT), 
> CAST(Name
> as Text) FROM Customer Order By Name")
>                 cust_list =
> gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING,gobject.TYPE_STRING)
>               if custs != None:
>                       for c in custs:
>                               n = c[1].strip()
>                               row = (unicode(n),c[0])
>                               cust_list.append(row)           
>               self.customer.set_model(cust_list)      
> --
> Rob Brown-Bayliss
> The world at your finger tips...

I would use a gtk.TreeStore() model in a gtk.TreeView() widget.  Using 
the first one or two letters of the name for the tree nodes.

Maybe in a Dialog window if there isn't space for the gtk.TreeView() 
in the GUI.

It is possible use a lazy mode and only populate the gtk.TreeStore() 
as the user clicks on the appropriate nodes.

Regards Neil.

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