Hi everyone,

I'm really impressed by the flexibility of GTK, especially by the ease of
adding a gtk.Entry widget to a gtk.TreeViewColumn. However, I'm having
trouble understanding why, when I enable column drag-drop reordering (by
calling set_reorderable(True) in an instance of gtk.TreeViewColumn), the
gtk.Entry widget becomes inactive (if that's the correct term here) after
the column is dragged.

Once a column is dragged, the gtk.Entry widget in that column header no
longer responds to any requests for focus, so I can no longer enter text
into it. My problem would be solved if I could continue to enter text into
the gtk.Entry widget after a column has been dragged.

The only idea I have had so far to assign some callback to the
"columns-changed" signal in gtk.TreeView, but I don't think that's the right
way to go about it. I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions you may

I have attached a simple test case (treeviewcolumn customheader.py) for your
reference. Here is some information about my environment:
>>> os.name
>>> gtk.gtk_version
(2, 12, 9)
>>> gobject.pygobject_version
(2, 14, 2)

Thank you,

Attachment: treeviewcolumn customheader.py
Description: Binary data

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