Bertrand Kintanar wrote:
> On 7/17/09 6:39 PM, John Finlay wrote:
>> Bertrand Kintanar wrote:
>>> On 7/17/09 1:12 PM, John Finlay wrote:
>>>> Maybe you could gzip it and base64 encode it before stuffing it into 
>>>> the DB?
>>>> John
>>> is gzipping it necessary for this to work?
>> No but it'll make it a lot smaller than just base64 alone.
>> John
> I'm really not concerned with database size here. What I'm really 
> concerned, which I'm having trouble implementing is how to convert the 
> unicode to display the right character text rather than the coded form.
> _______________________________________________
I misunderstood what you wanted. I thought you just wanted to save the 
html file contents into the DB and were having a problem with the text 
encoding between the html and the DB but it sounds like you want to do 
something different.

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