
I am writing an editor for multi-columned hierarchical data (for example
project tasks or software requirements) and would like to allow the user
to sort the rows as if the data had a flat structure.

Example TreeView:

Hierarchy | Task name | Priority   | Man-days
> 1       | Task 1    | High       | 5
    1.1   | Subtask 1 | High       | 3
    1.2   | Subtask 2 | Low        | 2
2         | Task 2    | High       | 1

Now I would like to sort all the project tasks and subtasks by priority.

If I store the data in a TreeModel, wrap a TreeModelSort over it and
display the result via TreeView, the sorting mechanism is not able to
put "Task 2" before "Task 1.2" even if "Task 2" has higher priority. It
is caused by respecting the hierarchy - sorting won't break a child from
its parent (but I need to do so).

Required result:

Hierarchy | Task name | Priority v | Man-days
1         | Task 1    | High       | 5
1.1       | Subtask 1 | High       | 3
2         | Task 2    | High       | 1
1.2       | Subtask 2 | Low        | 2       <--- breaks the hierarchy

Is there any way how to achieve such sorting without maintaining two
copies of all data - one in TreeStore and one in ListStore and
sorting/displaying the ListStore instead?

I was able to hide the expanders via setting the expander column to a
hidden one so the view part seems to be OK.

I don't think TreeSortable.set_sort_func() would help here as the
comparison works but the rows to be compared are chosen only from one
parent and within the same tree depth (i.e. 1.1 is compared only with
1.2 but not with 1 or 2).

Maybe I could write a wrapper providing a ListStore-like behavior while
having no own data but taking them from a TreeStore + put this ListStore
in its own TreeView? Or inheriting from a plain ListStore and implement
"child" collapse/expand on my own?

Any ideas are welcome, thanks!


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