Hi Bou,
I created this PyGtk class a little while ago, to do exactly what you
describe: Do advanced stuff in a thread, and report seamless back to
gtk using signals.
There "recipe" also contains an example, but please tell me if you
need more info.

Regards, Thomas

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 5:26 PM, Bou Baris<bouba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm a new user of PyGTK.
> I'm writing with Python and PyGTK a little software for decoding MKV
> video files using external tool MKV TOOL UNIX. It's a simple graphical
> front-end to ffmpeg and MKVTOOLNIX.
> I use Ubuntu 9.04 shipped with Python 2.6.2 and PyGTK 2.x
> I've a problem (obviously).
> I've made a non blocking function (using subprocess.Popen and select)
> for calling the external program MKVEXTRACT. When works, 'mkvextract'
> reports its progress state as a percentage:
> Progress: 0%
> Progress: 1%
> Progress: 2%
> ....
> I want read 'mkvextract' stdout in a real-time (non-blocking) fashion,
> decode progress number from string 'Progress: xx%' and control a PyGTK
> ProgressBar.
> This is the code and non-blocking is working (printing the progress to
> console it's ok).
> The problem is that when code run, I see in terminal the percentage
> number decoded correctly (printed from my code, not by 'mkvextract',
> see code below)  but progress bar isn't moving.
> Really ALL GUI is blocked.
> It's look that Popen block GUI job until 'mkvextraxt' end.
> When Popen/mkvextract ends its job, GUI restart to normal behaviour
> and I see the progress bar to 100%
> def mkv_dts_extraction(self,dtstrack,pgbar=None):
>      command=[ 'mkvextract', \
>                        'tracks', \
>                         self.INPUTFILE, \
>                         dtstrack + ':' + self.DTSFILENAME ]
>         # start subprocess
>         proc = subprocess.Popen(command,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
>         # set non-blocking mode
>         outfile = proc.stdout
>         outfd = outfile.fileno()
>         file_flags = fcntl.fcntl(outfd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
>         fcntl.fcntl(outfd, fcntl.F_SETFL, file_flags | os.O_NDELAY)
>         # use 'select' for reading
>         while True:
>             ready = select.select([outfd],[],[]) # wait for input
>             if outfd in ready[0]:
>                 outchunk = outfile.read()
>                 if outchunk == '' :
>                     break
>             select.select([],[],[],.1) # give a little time for buffers to 
> fill
>             perc =
> re.compile("Progress:\s+(\d+)",re.IGNORECASE).findall(outchunk)
>             if len(perc) > 0:
>                 completed = int(perc[len(perc)-1]) / 100.00  # take
> last 'Progress' number
>                 print completed  # this print WORKS: in terminal I can
> see the percentage growing
>                 # progress bar DON'T WORK : GUI is blocked
>                 pgbar.set_fraction(completed)
>                 pgbar.show()
>         err = proc.wait()
>         return True
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Mvh. Thomas
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