nipun batra wrote:
> I need from this code that var1,var2,var3,var4 should be continuosly 
> read from file(or serial port) and there value be updated 
> continuosly.Also i wish to use these 4 variables for plotting in 
> pygame/matplotlib/VPython .How can i do that.Moreover for every read 
> cycle there has to be a write cycle on to a file(or serial port) and 
> the user must be able to set this value via an entry.have not been 
> able to figure out all this.Moreover with my code i am able to 
> presently display updated information on a button click(where as i 
> wanna use button just to start things of)
> have attached program and source file 1.txt
IO to a disk file has quite different characteristics than IO to a 
serial port or network connection. You probably have to code these 
separately because of the different needs.

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