Bottiger, Maxwell - AES wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an implementation methodology question.  I'm putting together an app 
> which runs a bunch of external devices.  All my devices are on different 
> serial ports and run at different frequencies.  I'd like to use one thread to 
> monitor each device, then have the thread update it's relevant section of the 
> GUI.  I've been playing with updating a progress bar with a thread this 
> morning and I've found once I start the thread the main window freezes until 
> the thread completely exits.
> Obviously this isn't working.  What is the best way to go about this?  I 
> don't want to freeze my main window by putting sleep calls in the main loop, 
> but I do need to update the display when new data becomes available.
Have you considered using using gobject.io_add_watch() instead of using 
threads? Unless there is some really long calculation this would seem 
like an ideal event driven program.

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