Ryan Martin wrote:
> Hey Guys
> For all intensive purposes, an eventBox can have widgets packed into 
> it as I need and it can also have the background set as a style 
> property ala "bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = 'something.png'". My problem is that 
> the background needs to stretch, not tile. Like this:
> http://www.ensomniac.com/pygtk/button_example3.jpg
> When looking at the image above, please consider that I need to pack 
> widgets inside the blue graphic area. That is why I need to use some 
> form of container. I can't use an image widget, I can't use anything 
> that won't let me pack widgets inside the graphic area.
> The reason I initially decided to go with a button was because I knew 
> I could skin it (it has advanced skinning functionality allowing you 
> to stretch the pixmap while leaving the borders of the graphic intact) 
> and it could act as a container for other widgets. The problem with 
> using a button is that each time you hover over the main container 
> button, it steals all of the events that I want to go to the child 
> widgets. My initial post was looking for ideas on how I could disable 
> the main button from events and just use it as a graphic container for 
> my child widgets which would still need to work as expected. This has 
> proven to be impossible?

What is the advanced skinning functionality of a Button? This is 
something I'm not aware of.

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