I'm working on writing python bindings for the Thunar extension framework
(the code is based on the nautilus python bindings) and I'm pretty close,
but I can't figure out how to get past this error that happens when I try to
convert a GObject variable to a PyObject variable.

The call that is causing the trouble is pygobject_new() and I get the
following error:

TypeError: multiple bases have instance lay-out conflict
assertion failed: (tp != NULL)

The code in question is here:

My project is up at http://github.com/adamplumb/thunarx-python and it
compiles and installs, it just needs thunar master from
http://git.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/ to run.  To reproduce the issue, load up
thunar with the bindings loaded and a python extension (available in the
examples folder) loaded and right click on a folder or file.

I feel like there is a tiny thing I'm doing wrong here and would appreciate
it if some folks could look over my code and see if they can see any glaring
causes for this.

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