hi Tomeu, thanks!

anyway I found the solution in Thunar C source code.

We have to put the data in a special format where the first line
specifies the operation, "copy" or "cut"...

Here is a small python program that does copy and paste file
operations from the command line!
Use it like this:
clipfiles.py --copy *.py   # copy all this files to the clipboard!
clipfiles.py --cut *.py
clipfiles.py --paste /tmp # paste the files to that folder!

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import pygtk
import gtk
import time, urllib, sys
import os.path
import shutil

def uris_to_paths(uris):

  # convert the uris to files
  paths = []
  for uri in uris:
    if uri.startswith("file:/"):
      uri = uri[5:] # keep the "/"
      while uri.startswith("//"):
        uri = uri[1:]

    # if it is not "file:", ignore this url!

  return paths

def paths_to_uris(paths):
    return [ "file://"+urllib.quote(path) for path in paths ]


op = sys.argv[1]

if op == "--copy" or op == "--cut":

  files = [os.path.abspath(arg) for arg in sys.argv[2:] ]
  action = (op == "--copy") and "copy" or "cut"

  def get_func(clipboard, selectiondata, info, data):
    txt = action + "\n" + "\n".join(paths_to_uris(files))
    print "txt=("+str(txt)+")"
    selectiondata.set(selectiondata.get_target(), 8, txt)

  def clear_func(clipboard, data):
    print "clear_func"

  # não é suficiente:
  #targets = []
  #targets = gtk.target_list_add_uri_targets(targets, 0)

  targets = [('x-special/gnome-copied-files',0,0), ("text/uri-list",0,0)]
  ret = clipboard.set_with_data(targets, get_func, clear_func)

  print "ret", ret

elif op == "--paste":

  destination = sys.argv[2]

  def callback(clipboard, selectiondata, udata):

    lines = selectiondata.data.splitlines()
    action = lines[0].rstrip()

    uris = lines[1:]
    files = uris_to_paths(uris)
    for file in files:
      print "file", file

      if action == "copy":
        shutil.copy(file, destination)

        shutil.move(file, destination)


  def callback_targets(clipboard, targets, data):
    print "targets", targets

  clipboard.request_contents("x-special/gnome-copied-files", callback)

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