Mallikarjun(ಮಲ್ಲಿಕಾರ್ಜುನ್) wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Yann Leboulanger <
> <>> wrote:
>     Mallikarjun(ಮಲ್ಲಿಕಾರ್ಜುನ್) wrote:
>     > Dear friends,
>     > I have written a small application, which is a very tiny and exits by
>     > pressing escape. But I am not able to bring the window on to front on
>     > launch.
>     >         print self.window.is_focus()    --> Output is False
>     >         print self.window.is_active()    --> Output is False
>     >
>     > Ofcourse I wrote it on pygtk :)
>     > Can someone help me.
>     should help you
> Thanks for the help, this is not doing the trick or I am not able to
> make it work
> Can you provide some example?

call it in a iddle add, so that it's called after window is realized

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