Hi List, hi Zyphos,

Detaching the model from the treeview already speeded up things from 50
seconds to unbelievable 20 seconds!
I will also take  a look at the other hint.

Thanks a lot and kind regards

Am 13.07.2010 15:35, schrieb Zyphos:
> Hi,
> a solution is written into the FAQ:
> http://faq.pygtk.org/index.py?req=show&file=faq13.043.htp
> treeview.freeze_child_notify()
>  treeview.set_model(None)
>  # Add rows to the model
>  # ...
>  treeview.set_model(model)
>  treeview.thaw_child_notify()
> Regards,
> Zyphos
> Tim Evans a écrit :
>> On 2010-07-13 3:48, Cornelius Kölbel wrote:
>>> Dear list,
>>> I got an array of dictionaries, that I want to add to a GTKListStore,
>>> that is displayed an a treeview.
>>> This is very slow. I already replaced the liststore.append by
>>> liststore.insert, which is much much faster.
>>> But still, filling the 10.000 values takes about 50 seconds.
>>> Is there any cool mapping function, to push the array to the liststore?
>>> I used a for loop to iterate over the array...
>>> I also tried while an to pop the array elements...
>>> It is something like this:
>>> data: array of dictionaries
>>> data = array( { 'v1' : 'something', 'v2': 'something else' } ,
>>>                { 'v1' : 'another',   'v2': 'something completely diff' }
>>>             )
>>> for d in data:
>>>     self.liststore.insert( 0, ( d.get("v1"), d.get("v2") ....))
>>> ...is there a better way than doing a for loop?
>>> ...or a way to not have to interate over the 10.000 dicts?
>>> ...or is there a cool reading on performance tuning pyton?
>> Some general ideas:
>>   - Make sure the store isn't being viewed when you insert data, that
>>     will slow it down.
>>   - Do attribute lookups outside big loops:
>>      append = self.liststore.append
>>      get = d.get
>>      for d in data:
>>          append(0, (get('v1'), get('v2'), ...))
>>   - Put the treeview into fixed height and width mode. Automatic sizing
>>     is the enemy of treeview performance. This only works if all your
>>     rows are the same height. The function calls you need are:
>>       gtk.TreeViewColumn.set_sizing
>>          with the gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED value
>>       gtk.TreeViewColumn.set_fixed_width
>>       gtk.TreeView.set_fixed_height_mode
>>   - If your list is large enough it may be worth subclassing
>>     gtk.TreeModel and overriding the required methods. It's complex, but
>>     it can avoid referencing all your data at tree build time, instead
>>     loading as the user scrolls.
>>   - Write it in C. Always valid, even if as a last resort.
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