On 21/07/10 22:31, Tim Evans wrote:
> On 2010-07-21 19:24, Andrew wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply.
>> That doesn't seem to work for me, it gives the image attached. I have
>> also tried this with other icon themes (GNOME, Tango) and the results
>> are still similiar.
>> Is this just a bug in GTK?
> I can't be sure, but it looks like the image returned by render_icon 
> with size 'button' is 16-by-16 for you, whereas it's 20-by-20 for me. I 
> guess your system is configured differently. This means that sampling a 
> 20-by-20 area in composite gets some pixels that are outside the area of 
> the icon. Try this for the general case:
>    small = widget.render_icon('gtk-ok', 'button')
>    w = small.get_width()
>    h = small.get_height()
>    large = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf('rgb', True, 8, 10 + w, 10 + h)
>    large.fill(0)
>    assert large.get_has_alpha()
>    assert small.get_has_alpha()
>    small.composite(large, 0, 0, w, h, 0, 0, 1, 1, 'nearest', 255)
>    small.composite(large, 5, 5, w, h, 5, 5, 1, 1, 'nearest', 255)
>    small.composite(large, 10, 10, w, h, 10, 10, 1, 1, 'nearest', 255)
>    large.save('test.png', 'png')
> Personally I would consider the behaviour of composite when sampling an 
> area larger than the scaled source to be a minor bug. It can be worked 
> around pretty easily, but I can't imagine any situation where the 
> current behaviour would be useful. As you've demonstrated it can be 
> higher counter-intuitive.

Thanks very much Tim, it works now :)

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