On 28/07/2010 4:26 AM, Smartboy wrote:

Has anyone here ever successfully installed a recent version of PyGTK
on Windows successfully?

Yes, I've sucessfully installed but it can be difficult on some systems.

  If anyone else has gotten around this, then
would you mind putting the steps you used since I can't find any other
ways to get it working.

As John has asked, we need more info on the versions you are trying to install on.

I guess from your description your getting a similar output as the second example

From the command prompt,  start the python
interpreter and try to import gtk

Python 2.6.4 (r264:75708, Oct 26 2009, 08:23:19) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
 >>>  import gtk
Expect the import gtk to take some seconds, then it just returns you to
the prompt if all OK.

Or do you get a traceback similar to this

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in<module>
  File "c:\Python26\lib\site-packages\gtk-2.0\gtk\__init__.py", line 40,
    from gtk import _gtk
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found.

1) I had a similar error on a XP 32bit machine. I solved it by
installing Microsoft Visual C++ redist for 2008 SP1

2) On a windows 2000 machine I had a similar error when the GTK runtime
bin path was not in the environments path.

    Maybe you should check your GTK runtime is in the path.

Each time you perform one of these actions you may need to close down the 
command prompt and create a new one, esp. adding the path to environment will 
need a new command prompt to see the new path.

Until you get 'import gtk' working from the python interpreter, you cannot 
prodceed further

Some time ago I was playing with a little script to try and detect common GTK/pyGTK install problems (on windows), it never really got finished. Would be interested if running the script helps at all in detecting the source of your problem.

I've only tested on WinXP 32 bit system, don't know if it will work on other systems.

Script needs to be run from a command window.

Any suggestions how to improve the script (or bug fixes) would be gratefully accepted.

good luck.

import sys
import os
import _winreg
from ctypes.util import find_library
import getopt
import string

NOT_FOUND_STR ='Not Found'
#small selection of DLL's to test
testdlls = ['libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll', 'libglib-2.0-0.dll', 'libgobject-2.0-0.dll', 'libcairo-2.dll', ]

explain_exposed = '''    ***********************************************************
    * It seems that other installations are exposing GTK DLL's
    * to the operating system as they are in the environment
    * path variable BEFORE the runtime directory. 
    * You should reorder the path variable to put your GTK
    * runtime path before these other installations on the path'''        

explain_safe = '''    ***************************************************************
    * While there are other installations of GTK DLL's on the path,
    * it should be safe as they are on the path AFTER the runtime
    * directory. '''        

def RunExeCommand( app, args ):
    cmd = app + ' ' + args
    #print "Running: ", cmd
    stdin, stdout, stderr = os.popen3( cmd )
    output = string.strip(stdout.read())
    #print output
    err = stderr.read()
    if err:
        print err
    return output
def CheckGtkInReg():
    global gtkPathInRegistry, gtkVersionInRegistry, dllPathInRegistry, dllPathShort
    print '\n==== Checking Registry for GTK ====='
        with _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\\GTK\\2.0') as key:
            gtkVersionInRegistry = _winreg.QueryValueEx(key, 'Version')[0]
            gtkPathInRegistry = _winreg.QueryValueEx(key, 'Path')[0]
            dllPathInRegistry = _winreg.QueryValueEx(key, 'DllPath')[0]
            print '  Version   :', gtkVersionInRegistry     
            print '  Path      :', gtkPathInRegistry
            print '  DllPath   :', dllPathInRegistry 
    except WindowsError, e:
        print '\n  GTK registry key not found in registry'
        print '''    ********************************************************************
    * This might not be an error, but means I don't know the directory to 
    * your preferred GTK installation. 
    *  - try passing in your GTK installation path.\n'''
        print '-' * 60
        print usage
def WorkOutShortDosPath():
    global dllPathShort
    print '\n==== Use win32Api to query short path name for GTK ====='
        import win32api
        dllPathShort =  win32api.GetShortPathName(dllPathInRegistry)
        print '  DllPath8.3:', dllPathShort
    except ImportError:
        print '  **Cant query short path name, Win32Api not installed'
        print '    install from http://python.net/crew/mhammond/win32/'
        print '    if you want this function to work'

def FindLibsWithCtypes():    
    # use ctypes to check where windows finds it's DLL's    
    print '\n==== Use ctypes to find dlls ===='
    other_paths = []
    for dll in testdlls:
        dllpathvalid = False
        cpath = find_library(dll)
        if cpath:
        #print cpath
            if cpath == os.path.join(dllPathInRegistry, dll) \
            or cpath == os.path.join(dllPathShort, dll):
                dllpathvalid = True
            if not dllpathvalid:
                pp = os.path.dirname(cpath)
                if pp not in other_paths:
            print "  ERROR:... ctypes failed to find %s" % dll
    if other_paths:
        for pth in other_paths:
            print "  ERROR: ctypes loaded some gtk dll's from %s" % pth
        print "  OK ... ctypes found dll's in %s" % os.path.dirname(cpath)
def ScanDependencyFileForErrors(fname):
    fin = open(fname, 'r')
    lines = fin.readlines()
    sysroot = os.environ["SystemRoot"]
    capture = False
    runtimedlls = {}
    for line in lines:
        if line.startswith("       Module"): # work out were paths end
            pthend_idx = line.find("File Time Stamp")
        acceptablePaths = [ dllPathShort.lower(), 
                            os.path.join(sysroot, 'system32').lower()
        if line.startswith('-----  ------------'):
            capture = True
        if capture and line.startswith('['):
            filename = line[5:pthend_idx].strip()
            dirname = os.path.dirname(filename).strip()
            parts = line[pthend_idx:].split()
            OK = False
            if dirname.startswith(os.path.join(sysroot, 'winsxs').lower()) \
            or dirname.startswith(os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'lib\site-packages\gtk-2.0').lower()):
                OK = True
            for pth in acceptablePaths:
                if dirname == pth.lower():
                    OK = True
            if 'MSVCR90.DLL' in filename:
                if parts[0] == 'Error':
                    runtimedlls[filename] = "Error dll not found"
                    runtimedlls[filename] = parts[16]
            if OK == False:
                if parts[0] == 'Error':
                    print "    %s \tError dll not found" %( filename)
                    print "    ERROR: %s \tVersion %s" %( filename, parts[16])
    for rtdll in runtimedlls:
        if runtimedlls[rtdll].startswith("Error"):
            print '\n    ERROR: MS runtime %s not found'%rtdll
            print '\n    MS runtime Version %s loaded from' % runtimedlls[rtdll]
            print "    %s" %rtdll 
def CheckWithDependencyWalker():
    print '\n==== Checking with Dependency Walker ===='
    print '      Please be patient takes some time'
    exe = os.path.join(scriptpath, 'depends.exe')
    fout = os.path.join(scriptpath, 'depres.txt')
    f2check = [ 
                os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'Lib/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/_gtk.pyd' ),
                os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'Lib/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gobject/_gobject.pyd' ),
                os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'Lib/site-packages/gtk-2.0/pangocairo.pyd' ),
    if os.path.isfile( exe ):
        for ftest in f2check:
            if os.path.isfile( ftest ):
                #delete the output file before running command
                except WindowsError, e:
                print '  Testing file %s' % ftest
                out = RunExeCommand(exe, '/c /f1 /ot "%s" "%s"' % (fout, ftest) )
                if os.path.isfile(fout):
                print "  ERROR: file %d does not exist", ftest
        print '  Cannot check with dependency walker, not installed in local directory'
        print '  get dependency walker from http://www.dependencywalker.com/'
        print '  and unzip into this directory for it to work.'
def CheckPathForOtherGtkInstalls():     
    print '\n====Checking environment path for other gtk installations===='
    ePath = os.environ['path']
    dirs = ePath.split(';')
    gtkpth_idx = 9999
    other_paths = []
    explain_level = 0
    for i, d in enumerate(dirs):
        #print '==%s==' %d
        if d == gtkPathInRegistry or d == dllPathInRegistry\
        or d == dllPathShort:
            gtkpth_idx = i
        for fname in testdlls:
            f = os.path.join(d, fname)
            if os.path.isfile( f ):
                #print '   Found Erronous gtk DLL %s' % f
                if d not in other_paths:
                    if i < gtkpth_idx: # path appears BEFORE runtime path
                        print '  ERROR: %s should not appear before runtime path' % d
                        explain_level = 2
                        print '  FOUND: %s, Probably OK as appears AFTER runtime path' % d
                        if explain_level <= 1:
                            explain_level = 1
    if gtkpth_idx == 9999:
        print '\n  ERROR: Runtime directory not on enviroment path'
        print "         ** Runtime needs to be on path to load DLL's from\n"
    if explain_level == 2:
        print explain_exposed
    elif explain_level == 1:
        print explain_safe
    if len(other_paths) == 0:
        print '  No other gtk installatons found\n'
# ==== report what python thinks it's using =====
MIN_PYTHON_VER   = (2,5,1)

MIN_GTK_VER      = (2,10,11)

MIN_PYGTK_VER    = (2,10,6)
UNTESTED_PYGTK_VER    = (2,12,2)

MIN_GOBJECT_VER  = (2,12,3)

MIN_CAIRO_VER    = (1,2,6)
UNTESTED_CAIRO_VER    = (1,4,13)

def PrintFailedImport(appl, minVersion, result):
    print appl,
    print 'version %d.%d.%d or above.....\t' % minVersion ,
    print result

def PrintVersionResult(appl, minVersion, actualVersion, untestedVersion):
    print appl,
    print 'version %d.%d.%d or above.....\t' % minVersion ,
    print 'found %d.%d.%d' % actualVersion ,
    if minVersion <= actualVersion < untestedVersion: 
        print '...OK'
    elif  actualVersion >= untestedVersion:
        print '...UNTESTED VERSION'
        print '...FAILED'
def Import_pyGtkIntoPython():
    print '\n==== Test import into python ===='
    #py_str = 'found %d.%d.%d' %  sys.version_info[:3]
    PrintVersionResult('  Python ', MIN_PYTHON_VER, sys.version_info[:3], UNTESTED_PYTHON_VER)

    # Test the GTK version
        import gtk
        PrintVersionResult('  GTK+   ', MIN_GTK_VER, gtk.gtk_version, UNTESTED_GTK_VER )
        #test the pyGTK version (which is in the gtk namespace)
        PrintVersionResult('  pyGTK  ', MIN_PYGTK_VER, gtk.pygtk_version, UNTESTED_PYGTK_VER )
    except ImportError:
        PrintFailedImport('  GTK+   ', MIN_GTK_VER, NOT_FOUND_STR)
        PrintFailedImport('  pyGTK  ', MIN_PYGTK_VER, 'Cannot test, ...GTK+ missing')

    #test the gobject version
        import gobject
        PrintVersionResult('  gobject', MIN_GOBJECT_VER, gobject.pygobject_version, UNTESTED_GOBJECT_VER) 
    except ImportError:
        PrintFailedImport('  gobject', MIN_GOBJECT_VER, NOT_FOUND_STR)

    #test the cairo version
        import cairo
        PrintVersionResult('  cairo  ', MIN_CAIRO_VER, cairo.version_info, UNTESTED_CAIRO_VER ) 
    except ImportError:
        PrintFailedImport('  cairo  ', MIN_CAIRO_VER, NOT_FOUND_STR)

    #test for glade
    print '\n==== See if libglade installed ===='

        import gtk.glade
        print '  Glade   tesing import of libglade .......\tOK\n'
    except ImportError, e:
        print '  Glade   importError: %s\n' % e

if __name__ == '__main__':
    usage = '''Check for common problems in GTK/pyGTK installation.
    python %s [options] [gtkPath]

    gtkPath                    Path to your GTK installation directory (not the bin dir)
    ''' %(os.path.basename(__file__) )

    gtkPath = None
    gtkPathInRegistry = NOT_FOUND_STR
    gtkVersionInRegistry = NOT_FOUND_STR
    dllPathInRegistry = NOT_FOUND_STR
    dllPathShort = 'NoShortPath'
    scriptpath = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "",

        for o, a in opts:
            if o in ("-h", "--help"):
                print usage

        if len(args) > 1:
            raise getopt.GetoptError, '\nERROR: Too many arguments'
        for arg in args:
            if os.path.isdir(arg):
                gtkPath = arg
                raise  getopt.GetoptError, '\nERROR: Not a valid GTK path %s' % arg
    except getopt.GetoptError, msg:
        print msg
        print '\n %s' % usage

    import platform
    winver = platform.win32_ver()
    if len(winver) == 4:
        print   '''\n==== platform.win32_ver() reports ====
  Operating System: %s
  Version         : %s
  Service Pack    : %s
  OS type         : %s''' %  winver
        print winver
    if gtkPath:
        gtkPathInRegistry = gtkPath
        dllPathInRegistry = os.path.join(gtkPath, 'bin')
        print '  Using %s as GTK install path' % gtkPathInRegistry
        print '  Using %s as GTK dll path' % dllPathInRegistry

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