2010/8/6 José Luis Segura Lucas <josel.seg...@gmx.es>

> Hello!
> I'm using a scrolled window widget inside a notebook page (the second page
> of my notebook).
> If I go to the second page, I see the scrolled window empty, and if I
> return to the first notebook page again and add some elements, then I can
> see the elements on the second page.
> But, if I don't go to the second page BEFORE adding some elements to the
> scrolled window, such elements are not shown.
> When I go to the scrolled window page and return to the firsr page and add
> some elements, the oldest and the newest are shown correctly.
> This problem only happens once per execution of the program.
> I send you a little snippet that has the problem too:
> #!/usr/bin/python2.6
> # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
> import gtk
> import gobject
> def add_to_tab2(btn, data=None):
>     global box
>     box.pack_start(gtk.Label('Something'))
>     box.pack_start(gtk.HSeparator())
>     box.show_all()
> win = gtk.Window()
> notebook = gtk.Notebook()
> # Contained on first tab
> btn = gtk.Button('Add to 2nd tab')
> btn.connect('clicked', add_to_tab2)
> # Contained on second tab
> scroll = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
> box = gtk.VBox()
> scroll.add_with_viewport(box)
> notebook.append_page(btn, gtk.Label('1st Tab'))
> notebook.append_page(scroll, gtk.Label('2nd Tab'))
> win.add(notebook)
> win.show_all()
> win.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit)
> gtk.main()

Looks like a bit of a bug.

A solution you can use is to .hide() the scrolledwindow, add the items you
want, and then .show() it again.

def add_to_tab2(btn, data=None):
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