On Wed, 2010-08-11 at 10:07 +0200, Tomeu Vizoso wrote:
> Hi,
> John Stowers has proposed that PyGObject changes it's version
> numbering to match that of glib. This means that the next stable
> version will be 2.26 instead of 2.22.
> The rationale is that it will help people a bit to know what to expect
> from a given PyGObject release. He's already numbering his PyGtk
> releases matching Gtk+ versions.
> If nobody has good reasons against, the next unstable release of
> PyGObject will be 2.25.1.


I noticed that this hasn't been done yet despite agreement. Would it be
OK if you or John P. bumped the version before release?


> Regards,
> Tomeu
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