
I'd like to ask a few questions for the all-in-one pygtk installer.

Looking at gtk site on downloads http://www.gtk.org/download-windows.html

> "GTK+ 2.16 is an old but in some sense more reliable branch. 2.20 is the current maintained version. Choose the one which works better for you." They question is, which one is best for the installer 2.16 or 2.20 ?, is there a preference?

> "The bundles contain both run-time and developer files. Many of the developer files are relatively irrelevant. If you intend to redistribute the GTK+ run-time, you need to figure out which files you can leave out yourself." Do you think I can leave the developer files out, and just include the runtimes?

Having never used the GTK all-in-one package before what do you do, .. unzip to a folder and then put the runtime bin directory on the path, and that's it?

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