> > > 
> > > John
> > > 
> > > [1] http://github.com/nzjrs/pygtk/commits/gtk-3.0
> > > [2] http://github.com/nzjrs/pygobject/tree/gtk-3.0
> What's the status of this now? Is there every likely to be a pygtk
> release for GTK+ 3?

I suspended the work during the large round of gtk+ breakage (rendering
cleanup mainly) and have not had the time to return to it.

My original goal was to do this in a backwards compatible way. With the
recent API changes to gtk+-3.0 this is no longer possible, things like
the expose/draw transition will be too hard to manage in PyGtk.
GtkApplication making use of GVariant are also going to be difficult to
wrap, minimally, the old way.

That said, I did receive some negative feedback about the idea.
PyGObject is the recommended way in future, and keeping PyGtk alive
might actually hold the platform back. There is certainly some truth in
that argument. In short, I am not sure what do do.

I suspect the whole job will be in the order of a full week of work, and
pragmatically I think this is actually a worthwhile week, given the
*huge* amount of PyGtk applications out there. Of course this argument
is a little weaker now that any PyGtk-3.0 port won't be backwards
compatible anymore.

I don't know what I plan to do. Thoughts appreciated.



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