On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 06:51:38AM -0700, John Haiducek wrote:
> I have an app that sometimes loads a lot of data into a gtkTreeView (several
> thousand rows). It performs pretty well during user interaction, but if there
> is a large amount of data in the treeview, it takes a really long time to 
> exit.
> I'm storing the data in a gtkListStore and a gtkTreeModelSort. I assume the
> bottleneck is in freeing memory used by either the TreeView or the ListStore.
> Is there any way to speed up destruction of these objects? Or am I
> misinterpreting the symptoms here?

I don't experiment this problem. Sqlkit is based on treeview that load and
display data from a database table. The model has classes arranged by
sqlalchemy and each cell renderer picks data from that object to represent
it via a cell_data_func. 

I display foreign key  picking data from the related table so that loading
data is somehow slowed down (2-10 seconds for 10.000 records depending on
foreign keys). Destroying this table is done almost immediately, you don't
perceive any significant delay.

I'm testing it on Ubuntu 10.04 running on a notebook 1.8 GHz centrino.


Sandro Dentella  *:-)
http://www.reteisi.org             Soluzioni libere per le scuole
http://sqlkit.argolinux.org        SQLkit home page - PyGTK/python/sqlalchemy
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