Please forgive this question if the answer is obvious but I've searched
and not had any luck.  Also, having done this frequently in C#/.NET I
could just be fuzzing over the obvious answer.

I am building a PyGTK app using Glade-3 / Gtk.Builder.  And I'm stumped
as to how ListStore models and ComboBoxes can be easily correlated.  In
Glade-3 I don't seem to be able to pick a column type for a ListStore
that is compatable with "str" or GObject.TYPE_STRING - so I can't enter
data into the model in Glade.

What I want is to simply create some combo boxes that contain a value &
descripton, but only display the description, so I can retrieve the
selected value.

Does anyone have a current HOWTO / FAQ link addressing this issue?  Any
tips would be appreciated.

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