On 31-01-11 16:49, Bevis Peters wrote:
I have created a simple treestore, with each node containing two strings, ie:

    self.wTreeModel = gtk.TreeStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING)

and allowed multiple selection with:

    self.wTreeSelection = self.wTreeView.get_selection()

and then populated it with something like:

    child = self.wTreeModel.append(parent, [<a string to display on
the tree>,<some data associated with that row>  ])

all well and good; the tree shows up correctly in the window.

But now I want to be able to select one or more of the rows in the
tree, then get back the<some data>  associated with each row.  I have
tried something like:

         treeSelection = self.wTreeView.get_selection()
         model, selected = treeSelection.get_selected_rows()
         for path in selected:
             for i in range(len(path)):
                 it = model.get_iter(path[i])
                 print model[it][1]
There's something wrong with how you get the data here. You pass an iter where you need a path.

Try this:
for path in selected:
    print model[path][1]

A path is a row, so for every row in the selected rows, get the row in the model (model[path]) and retrieve the data from the second column ([1], zero-based).

To get the data with an iter, you could do this:
for path in selected:
    rowiter = model.get_iter(path)
    print model.get_value(rowiter, 1)

This is more useful when you have a single selection treeview and use get_selected(), because that will return an iter of its own.
model, rowiter = selection.get_selected()
data = model.get_value(rowiter, 1)


which I feel should print the<some data>  for each selected row, but
what actually comes out seems largely unrelated to what has been
selected.  So for instance, given a tree:

one --
       |-- two --
                 |-- three

I should be able to select "three" and get back the data associated
with it.  What I actually get back from the above bit of code is the
data associated with "one", three times.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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