On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 5:52 AM, Roberto Cavada <cav...@fbk.eu> wrote:
> On 01/30/2011 11:53 PM, Robert Park wrote:
>> [...] but now that the other classes are in other files,
>> the module _itself_ is providing the same encapsulation that the class
>> was giving me, and is thus redundant.
> In this perspective, you are using classes as mere namespaces of your
> functions and variables. As I said, if you do not exploit hierarchies and
> relations (and you don't as you have no inheritance and no polymorphism)
> there is very little difference between module and class levels (IMO there
> are some disadvantages with modules, see below).

Right, I'm not using any inheritance for the main app class, no. What
kind of things would I want to inherit from that would be useful to my
application? I just literally have no idea what I could inherit from

I do use inheritance in a small way with my Photograph class, but
that's very minor.

>> My point with that example was not that the second version was better,
>> but that they were so similar that it proves that the module itself is
>> "good enough" and that I don't actually benefit from having this
>> particular class inside a module.
> If you don't see advantages with classes, let's stay with benefits of having
> only modules. Do you see any that are not syntactic like number of dots
> between IDs and 'self' appearing as first formal param?

Now, I did say that I'm not arguing against classes in general, only
that one specific class. And no, I started this thread solely because
I was searching for syntactical simplification for my application.

>>> Indeed if your application code fits into a thousand of LOC, you can
>>> choose whatever style you like, either having everything pushed into one
>>> module or split into classes/packages/modules, no really matters.
>> Ok, but I am not arguing against all classes, just the class that
>> represents the graphical interface that the user interacts with.
> Then I guess your GUI is necessarily very small. I cannot imagine a large
> GUI all fitted into a module, and even within one single class. How do you
> separate the GUI logics and the presentation layers? Can you split the GUI
> into (interconnected, still decoupled) pieces? ( someone calls them
> components.) If you have components, you can reuse/factorize code in
> different parts of a single application, or you can rearrange the GUI for
> another application.

I don't totally follow you here. In "app.py" I have a single class
with many methods. Some methods provide the actual application logic,
and some methods are just boring signal handlers for various tedious
GUI activities. However, I do import other classes that represent
specific things (photo files, XML files, etc), and use them in
sensible ways.

>> Can you explain how module-globals make code less portable? Is there a
>> platform on which Python doesn't support module globals? I'm genuinely
>> curious.
> Mmm, 'portability' was a bad term I chose, as it can create
> misunderstandings I am sorry about that. I probably had to talk about
> 'reuse'. Extending my objections, what if you wanted to have:
> - threads involved

I did try threads once and found it was quite terrifying, but that was
WITH the class definition, not module globals!

> - unittests of some parts

I have a large test suite and I don't really see how this would make
any difference. The testsuite calls "app.some_method()" and the syntax
is the same whether "app" is an instance of a class, or a whole

> If you have poor locality of your code, you'll get into troubles. Using
> module-level variables does not help with locality.

Ok, that is a good point and that is pretty much the major problem
that I ran into when i tried (and failed) to actually do the class
methods -> module globals conversion that I've been talking about.

Thanks for your responses everybody, this has given me a lot to think
about and I think I'm learning. ;-)

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