On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 11:16 AM, Dieter Verfaillie
<diet...@optionexplicit.be> wrote:
> On 16/02/2011 18:05, Bradlee Landis wrote:
>> Is there an easy way to convert from a TextBuffer to the Pango Markup
>> Language? I can't seem to find it, even though it seems like it would
>> be a desired feature by at least a few people.
>> I need to save the data inside an XML document, with formatting
>> intact, and so I was just going to use the Pango Markup Language to
>> store it. I would accept other suggestions though.
> The following looks promising for what you require:
> http://amcg.ese.imperial.ac.uk/svn/spud/branches/schematron/diamond/TextBufferMarkup.py

Yeah, that does look pretty good. The code is a little messy, but it's
at least a start. I may roll my own code from this example.

Brad Landis
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