
I have a gtk.Entry in which I place a code followed by a description.  The
user enters the code, and I do a keyed lookup and place the code +
description of that code in the gtk.Entry and move focus to the next

If the user made a mistake and wants to enter a different code in the first
gtk.Entry, I select the entire text of the gtk.Entry when I see it grabbing
focus so the user doesn't have to delete all the old text that's in the
gtk.Entry.  His first key stroke will do that.

But there's a problem.  If the code + description is too long, gtk will move
the cursor position to the end of the text when I select the whole text,
hiding the code that is in error.  If I then move the cursor to the
beginning of the text, that will un-select the text.

So, is there a way to select the entire text of a gtk.Entry that's too long
to show all of it, and have gtk show the beginning of the text rather than
the end?

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