
I am working on a scientific code, where some dialog windows are rather 
complex.  I would like to add scrollbars to some of the more complex dialogs, 
so users with low resolution screens don't get windows higher than their screen.

I tried doing this by making the topmost widget in a gtk.Window a 
gtk.ScrolledWindow, and put everything in a gtk.VBox inside that one.  
Unfortunately, the result is a rather small window with scrollbars.  I would 
prefer a window that is as large as necessary to show all the contents, unless 
that would make it larger than the screen, in which case the scrollbars should 
appear.  I assume that this must be a common task, with a known solution.  Can 
somebody point me in the right direction?

Best regards


Jakob Schiøtz, Ph.D.
Associate professor (lektor)
Study leader, M.Sc. in Physics and Nanotechnology
(kandidatstudieleder, Fysik og Nanoteknologi)
CINF, Department of Physics
Technical University of Denmark
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

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