Further to my initial description, we have just tried with the demos included in ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/gtk+/2.22/gtk+-bundle_2.22.1-20101227_win32.zip and we get the same runtime error.

The problem seems to occur with versions higher than 2.12.

Has anyone else seen this problem?

Thanks very much


On 03/03/11 09:45, Elizabeth Palit wrote:
Thank you for your reply, we'll keep working at it.  We see the crashes
on Windows XP and Windows Vista, but haven't tested it on Windows 7.

On 02/03/11 12:40, Dieter Verfaillie wrote:
Quoting "Elizabeth Palit" <elizabeth.pa...@geneity.co.uk>:
assertion failed: (!_modal_operation_in_progress)"

On what Windows version do you experience the crashes?
Could it be Windows 7 (or maybe Vista)? I'm aware of getting
(huge amounts) of warnings on Windows XP SP3 when right-clicking
the task bar entry of a GTK+ program but have not yet seen the
error above.

Looks to me like a bug in the win32 GDK backend and it even looks
suspiciously like a variant of
I wrote a patch for that, it's attached to that bug report, but
have yet to receive any kind of response...


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