I'm the developer for nautilus-python, the python bindings for the
nautilus extension framework.  I'm having trouble figuring out where
to begin with porting the bindings from PyGTK to PyGI.

The way the current bindings work is that they act as a regular
Nautilus C extension then automatically imports python scripts that it
finds in various preset locations.  The python extensions derive the
main class from available class names (e.g. nautilus.MenuProvider),
and implement methods that the nautilus-python C extension will then
call when Nautilus calls the functions the C extension has

Currently, nautilus-python depends on pygtk in order to be able to
convert some C objects into valid PyObject objects and back again.  It
also initializes pygtk and pygobject at runtime, but I'm not entirely
sure why it needs to do this.  I don't understand how this will change
with gobject introspection.  The Nautilus extension library has
introspection support but I gather that this is only to add it's
symbols to the gi repository.  I'm not sure how to make use of this or
if it is even relevant to what I'm doing.

All in all, I've had a hard time coming to grips with all of this as
I've found very limited documentation on how to use PyGI for a project
like nautilus-python.

Please excuse my poor questions, as I'm not even sure which questions
I should be asking at this point.  This email is an attempt to reach
out to the community so I can get pointed in the right direction.

pygtk mailing list   pygtk@daa.com.au
Read the PyGTK FAQ: http://faq.pygtk.org/

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