On Thu, 2011-03-24 at 11:10 +1300, Greg Ewing wrote:
> It turns out that the currently released version of Pango
> is not quite up to snuff -- it's missing some annotations
> on method arguments that leads gobject introspection astray.
> It looks like these have been fixed in the git repository,
> so I tried to check it out and compile it, and discovered
> that it wants GTK-Doc.
> So I got GTK-Doc and tried to compile that, and it complained
> about not being able to find an XML DTD for DocBook.
> What do I need to install to get that? The only thing I've
> been able to find for download called 'docbook' is just a
> zip file with no indication of where to install stuff.

Is this on Linux? If so I recommend just using JHbuild (from git, not
your distro packages) to take care of the dependencies for you...

On Linux the docbook package contains the docbook dtd that it is looking

Looking at the gtk-doc configure and m4 files it looks for catalogues
via indirection through


but it also looks like you can specify the path to these catalogues or
the dtd directly, via configure args.

At first I though you might have been missing


but it looks like gtk-doc ships the gnome-doc-utils m4 file, so maybe
that isn't the problem after all.


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