On 05/14/11 22:35, Osmo Salomaa wrote:
> la, 2011-05-14 kello 21:17 -0600, John Haiducek kirjoitti:
>> Is there any way for a CellRendererPixbuf to receive click events?
> Maybe you can handle those click events at the tree view level? Take a
> look at gtk.TreeView signals 'cursor-changed' and 'row-activated'. Those
> should allow you to handle the common cases of single and double left
> click events and corresponding keyboard events. There's also
> gtk.Widget's 'button-press-event' etc., coordinates from which you can
> convert with gtk.TreeView.get_path_at_pos.
That had occurred to me, but I was hoping there was a simpler way (unless it's 
not so complicated as I thought to figure out which coordinates are inside the 

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