On 06/27/2011 02:00 AM, Timo wrote:
On 26-06-11 14:57, Giuseppe Penone wrote:
I ported my first application to gtk3 but continue to read the
followig warning:

`menu_proxy_module_load': python: undefined symbol:

anybody knows the reason?
Don't know the reason, but got the same warnings. I noticed that they
only appear in a program with menus (a menubar or popup menu), as soon
as you remove them, the messages disappear too.

I searched for that message before. Looks like some ubuntu thing. Ubuntu forced a system menu over gtk applications.

It's from appmenu-gtk package and can be removed by deleting /etc/X11/Xsession.d/80appmenu.

Ubuntu is definitely not for developers. It's an end user application. Debian or Fedora are much better for developing work.

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